This irresistible combination of bright yellow roses and fascinating purple shade roses is an adorable way to express your true feeling to your one and only! Yellow roses also symbolize true friendship which make this floral arrangement a perfect gift to a close friend!
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
- Yellow roses
- Purple roses
Next day delivery is available for orders placed before 4pm.
Presented in luxurious box for maximum impact when your gift is delivered.
Guard Petals:
Roses are delivered with their guard petals which may be not as colourful as the inner ones. Our florists leave naturally grown outer petals to ensure inner petals will be protected during the shipping. Once the roses are received, the guard petals can be unpeeled and the arrangement can be displayed.
Substitution policy:
As flowers may be seasonal, we reserve the right to substitute any flowers not currently in stock. To ensure customer satisfaction, flowers will be substituted with a flower similar size and color of the same or superior style, quality and value.
Service at the highest level! The flower bouquet was delivered very quickly. Recommend everyone to order here.
The team was very helpful.
Thanks for the great service!
Fascinating roses! Fresh, beautiful and lavish!
Beautiful yellow roses! It was such a surprise to receive them on our 10th anniversary. My husband is the best, right?
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We grow our flowers with love and care so they become your favorite.
We deliver smiles and great moments, and we do it on time.
Our wide floral range is suitable for every pocket.
Providing quality products and services continues to be our main goal and value.
Your payments will be secured thanks to our proven methods.